Balga Blackboy
The Strength of the Creative Warrior
Positive Qualities – Key Words:
Problem Target – Key Words:

Healing Nature
The flower essence for the maturing of the male principle or the man within. For both men and woman the promoting of positive creativity, assertiveness, goal setting and achieving, that also nurtures an awareness and appreciation of the needs of the environment and people. Helpful in balancing achievement with life sustaining qualities such as caring and community/family spirit.
Spiritual Qualities
Within us the creative force blends with the receptive force. If we are to become whole then the two must be at one. Our creative force expresses the power to protect and love the created Universe and to be fearless on our journey forward. The aboriginal people see the Balga and its flower as the warrior standing with his spear watching over the tribe.
Mental/Emotional Health
Oral Dosage of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and preparing oral doses.
- Used for women and men who find it hard to be forthright and assertive, or whose assertiveness is aggressive and overpowering. Both these indicate a lack of maturity and full development of the masculine strength within.
- Commonly used for young boys and girls and adolescents who cannot integrate their new sexuality (the assertive/masculinity) into their being and are either lacking in their masculine strength or are out of balance, with the negative, dangerous and destructive side predominant.
- Used also for the person who cannot tap into their creativity, their ability to go into new territory and explore original and new horizons
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Independent, self willed, does as one pleases.
Cardiac Orifice acu-point on the ear.
Sexually underconfident, anxiety about ones sexual ability, impotence due to psychological problems.
Testes (Ovary) acu-point on the ear.
Sexual frigidity, aversion to sexuality.
External Genitalia acu-point on the ear. (use with Macrozamia)
Mentally confident, overly focused on implementing ones ideas.
Insensitive and out of touch with ones environment and other people.
Kidney acu-point on the ear.
Physical Health
Oral Dosage of Essences (for physical wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Diarrhoea – Apply to lower intestinal area of the body. Oral doses (60 drops per 25ml brandy, see “oral dosing”) in cases of general problems of loose bowel movements.
Nausea, vomiting.
Cardiac Orifice acu-point on the ear.
(see also Start’s Spider Orchid)
Epididymitis, irregular menstruation.
Testes (Ovary) acu-point on the ear.
Impotency, sexual frigidity.
External Genitalia acu-point on the ear. (use with Macrozamia)
(see also White Nymph and Purple Nymph Waterlily)
Tinnitis and impaired hearing.
Kidney acu-point on the ear.
(see also Brown Boronia, Geraldton Wax, Yellow Leschenaultia)
Flower Essence Affirmation
My Path goes forward straight and true. Along the way the tender petals shall not be crushed and the thorns cannot hinder me. Love is my strength.
The Healing
Matures the masculine aspect to become a creative and inclusive field of activity which can be both assertive and caring at the same time.