Blue China Orchid
The Elevation of the Will
Positive Qualities – Key Words:
Problem Target – Key Words:

Healing Nature
The flower essence of strengthening of Will and taking back control of the Self. To realise the beauty of inner focus and consistency in establishing a fulfilling life. Habits are like old arm chairs, lumpy but familiar, and the person has to fight against their own old programming to be able to change to healthy new directions and experiences. This essence is helpful in inspiring changes by breaking the hold of old patterns of behaviour that deteriorate the quality of Life.
Spiritual Qualities
Any expansion of consciousness is brought about by effort. This effort requires focus, direction and forward movement. Old habits imprison us and impede our progress. They have power because they give a false sense of security. To have free Will is to break through the feelings of unwillingness to give up old ways and be spontaneously working with Life.
Mental/Emotional Health
Oral Dosage of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and preparing oral doses.
- Where the person has become habituated in patterns of living and behaviour which hamper development, happiness or relationships with others.
- This essence helps the metamorphosing of the mind to its new pathways by being positive about Self control, discipline and direction.
- With the benefits of the new way of being and the feelings of freeing and focusing of the Will, the person is encouraged and inspired to consistently go forward.
- For children who have become set in routine patterns for example: waking during the night, crying or being destructive to get attention, immediately reacting when not getting their own way.
- For people battling addictions or obsessive behaviour patterns.
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
For avoidance of problems or unpleasantness, over indulgence, a feeling of weakness.
Occiput acu-point on the ear.
For an overly strong desire to have excitement and fun.
Sympathetic Nerve acu-point on the ear.
For negative eating behaviour patterns.
Stomach point on the ear.
For drug addictions.
Lung points on the ear.
Other essences which can be used topically to complement this essence, are:
Geraldton Wax, Hybrid Pink-Fairy Orchid, Silver Princess Gum, Green Rose.
*(All these essences can also be used on the Shenmen acu-point on the ear.)
Physical Health
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
For diseases of digestive and circulatory systems.
Sympathetic Nerve acu-point on the ear. (see also Wild Violet)
For headache, neurasthenia.
Occiput acu-point on the ear.
Flower Essence Affirmation
The heavy garments are discarded one by one. Like a butterfly I leave the cocoon and stretch out into the sky. Everywhere life is beckoning, Within I feel the thrill.
The Healing
Strengthens the Will to reclaim the role of master of the mind. From this comes the strength to focus on what one desires to change and to change it.