Brown Boronia
The Release of Thought
Positive Qualities – Key Words:
Problem Target – Key Words:

Healing Nature
The essence of freeing the mind. To inspire the realisation that the journey of Life will bring solutions, one needs patience and acceptance of the “here and now”. To relieve the worried mind so it does not miss out on opportunities for Joy in the present.
Spiritual Qualities
One of the illusions of Life is that only by doing something can a problem be solved. We are sure we must think or work harder or faster to get relief. Very often a problem is an opportunity to understand something on a deeper level. By absorbing the lessons of a problem and reflecting on what our reactions tell us about ourselves we can make great progress and ensure the same problems/lessons donâ€┢t continually recur in our lives.
Mental/Emotional Health
Oral Dosage of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and preparing oral doses.
- For the mind gripped by morbid, anxious or unpleasant thought. Such thoughts can be part of depressed emotional states and mental confusion.
- For anxiety that increases in chaotic environments.
- For a person whose thought is circular, there is no immediate solution, and yet the mind will not leave it alone. The thought increases because of the energy being put into it and the problem seems to become worse.
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Mental confusion, too much to do. Worried and anxious, chaotic environment.
Kidney acu-point on the ear
Physical Health
Oral Dosage of Flower Essences (for physical wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and preparing oral doses.
Helpful in relieving stress and sleeplessness caused by worry or an over-stimulated thought.
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Tinnitis and impaired hearing.
Kidney acu-point on the ear
(see also Balga, Geraldton Wax, Yellow Leschenaultia)
Flower Essence Affirmation
From the small thought my mind is transforming into the Great – the All Possible. The blades of grass the stars and I are all as they should be.
The Healing
Releases the mind from the unhealthy focus bringing a sense of relief. There is then restored a natural sense of working things through, or waiting patiently for a new turn of events.