Pink Fountain Triggerplant
Positive Qualities – Key Words:
Problem Target – Key Words:

Healing Nature
The essence of restoring the vital force to one’s being, the fire Qi that sustains you, gives you vigour and physical stability. To re-ignite the vital flame and the return of dynamism to the point where one can take over this most essential responsibility. For the person who is losing the inner vitality which keeps one alive, either by a gradual draining on the physical level, or a cutting off in the subtle bodies.
Spiritual Qualities
In the Yogic concept of Prama, balance between the physical, mind and spiritual levels, is essential for human existence. This triangle of states of being, when in harmonious development, gives the best foundation for the evolving of consciousness and the experience of fulfilment. To be a human being is a precious gift, for a human lives in all the levels of existence and can consciously create harmony between them all. So it is important to maintain the physical body in a healthy vital state where it will not let down the mind and the spiritual sides of our being and all can advance together.
Mental/Emotional Health
Oral Dosage of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and preparing oral doses.
- A lack of vital force. The feeling that energy is slowly draining away and not returning. In cases where people deny the needs of the physical body or a situation where the interfacing of the strength of their mind to their physical level is important and they can’t manage it.
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Vital force has been neglected, underestimating the needs of the physical body.
Heart acu-point on the ear.
(see also Cowkicks, Purple Enamel Orchid, Reed Triggerplant)
Feelings of falling apart unable to cope.
Shenmen acu-point on the ear.
Physical Health
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Unable to regain strength, overwhelmed by tiredness.
Heart acu-point on the ear.
(see also Cowkicks, Purple Enamel Orchid, Reed Triggerplant)
Insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, inflammation, pain.
Shenmen acu-point on the ear.
(see also Hybrid Pink Fairy, Yellow Flag Flower, Purple Flag Flower, Cowkicks, Pink Fountain Triggerplant, Reed Triggerplant and Violet Butterfly)
Flower Essence Affirmation
I draw the internal fire into the core of me. The precious breath of Life fans the embers with energy. I rise up in strength.
The Healing
brings a person to their centre from where they ascertain deeply the needs of individuals and individual situations. Any efforts are then not wasted and the frugality keeps energy at a constant.