Ribbon Pea
Safe Within the Universe
Positive Qualities – Key Words:
Problem Target – Key Words:

Healing Nature
The essence of fearlessness. To feel the safety of Being. To rise above fear and foreboding that stops positive attitudes and directions that are desired for a fulfilling Life. To dissolve the feelings of nameless dread, panic or fear of death.
Spiritual Qualities
There is only transformation in this Universe. There is no end. Every Pathway goes on to the next place of renewal. When we were young we lost one baby body and got an adolescent one, then we lost that to take up the adult one. We can lose so many different forms and mind states to transcend to others in one lifetime let alone many lifetimes. Fear brings us nothing but a distraction to our challenges in Life, and takes us far from the sweet experience of our eternal Soul.
Mental/Emotional Health
Oral Dosage of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and preparing oral doses.
- For those who feel overwhelmed in a situation and want to flee.
- For a person responding fearfully to a supposed or real threat.
- The person facing traumatic surgery.
- The refugee who has seen much death and destruction.
- A person facing thoughts of the reality of death after experiencing someone dying.
- A person feeling intense fear and anxiety.
- This essence is for the fear of the unknown, fear of annihilation and what might happen to oneself.
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Impulsive, panicky.
Adrenal acu-point on the ear.
Physical Health
Topical Applications of Flower Essences (for physical wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Hypotension, pulselessness, shock, asthma, inflammation.
Adrenal acu-point on the ear.
(see also Macrozamia
Flower Essence Affirmation
My Spirit is indestructible, timeless and has travelled through time and space. I am tested that I may become strong. I enjoy uncertainty, I welcome the unknown invincible I stand.
The Healing
takes away the fear and brings a realisation of how destructive and unnecessary it is. The situation can then be faced fearlessly. As irrational or as logical as the fear may seem to be, one must be in touch with the realities of Life and living which are the real challenges. By halting the fear response one can regain composure and go forward.