decentralises one’s focus which brings one in touch with the beauty and Joy that surrounds all Life, appreciating it anew – this is the true fulfilment.
Spirit Faces (Banjine)
The Panoramic View
Positive Qualities – Key Words:
Problem Target – Key Words:

Healing Nature
The essence of the Selfless perspective where a true understanding of the individual’s place in the scheme of Life is understood. To inspire an outlook where one’s personal concerns don’t have to be prominent and override all other concerns. The decentralising of one’s focus brings one in touch with the beauty and Joy that surrounds all Life and it can be appreciated anew.
Spiritual Qualities
When the personality gets attention, it very easily inflates and becomes distracted by its size. The Soul perspective is then lost, often leading to Life’s lessons in Self importance and the true place of the little “i” in the wider Cosmic play. This can be so even when the person is involved in service to others and holds strong spiritual objectives. The way one personalises the attention and respect from others can become a subtle test as to the true depth of one’s spiritual nature.
Mental/Emotional Health
Oral Dosage of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and preparing oral doses.
- For those who wish to move towards a more spiritual and selfless state.
- For the person in a central position in a family, group or organisation who feels they are indispensable. Often they are pivotal to the workings of the collective and this can start giving them a false perspective on the importance of their personal needs.
- For feelings of frustration with situations not turning out as one wants them to. Continually talking about one’s own problems.
- For people who are overly focused on their own feelings and needs. This focus is insatiable, they feel they have certain needs to be fulfilled before they will have contentment. It is an illusion, which drives them on, and there is never enough to slate their needy thirst. In the process the “I” centred attitude prevents both a sense of peace and inner tranquillity, and also the ability to lose the “Self” and be at one with Life.
Flower Essence Affirmation
Beyond myself I see the Light of a thousand lamps rending the night. Each lamp illumines a face, a precious link in the golden chain.